APK Inspection for Your Unimog?
Then Unimog Specialist is the place to be. We have the right diagnostic equipment and extensive expertise in Unimog vehicles. For more information about our APK inspections (APK I, APK II, and APK III), please contact us.
APK for Agricultural and Forestry Tractors
We offer independent inspections for your tractor. As you know us, you can count on an honest, objective APK for your tractor. Call us for an appointment: +31 (0)418 632073.
Registration / License Plate Requirement
Does your vehicle drive on public roads and have a maximum design speed of more than 6 km/h? Then registration is often mandatory*.
*The APK obligation does not apply to:
- Agricultural and forestry tractors on wheels with a maximum design speed of 40 km/h or less.
- Agricultural and forestry tractors on tracks.
- Agricultural and forestry tractors used for farming, horticulture, forestry, livestock, or fishing, mainly on the land where these activities occur. This includes rural roads, forest paths, and fields.
- Agricultural and forestry tractors that are 50 years or older.
APK Rates
APK I Heavy vehicles > 3500 kg | € 180,- incl. VAT |
APK I Trailer / semi-trailer | € 220,- incl. VAT |
APK II Light vehicles < 3500 kg petrol/electric | € 50,- incl. VAT |
APK II Light vehicles < 3500 kg diesel | € 65,- incl. VAT |
APK II Vehicles older than 30 years petrol/diesel | € 65,- incl. VAT |
APK II Camper/BE tractor < 3500 kg | € 75,- incl. VAT |
APK III Agricultural and forestry tractors | € 110,- incl. VAT |
Tachograph analog/digital | € 235,- incl. VAT |
The above prices include RDW registration fees. |
If your vehicle fails the inspection, we will carry out the re-inspection free of charge within 5 working days. If the repair takes longer for legitimate reasons, this period can be extended, provided it is reported by phone in time. Faulty or incomplete repairs may result in costs for a second re-inspection. This also applies to re-inspections that are offered well outside the 5-working-day period.